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Former Amazing Spider-Man Scribe, Dan Slott, to Write Tenth Doctor Annuals for Titan Comics

Comics giant, Dan Slott, is writing three separate annual Doctor Who one-shots for Titan Comics.

The Eisner Award-winning writer is best known for runs on numerous Marvel Comics, including She-HulkSilver SurferThe Reckoning War, and Tony Stark: Iron Man, and is the current scribe on The World’s Greatest Comics Magazine, Fantastic Four.

This spring, Slott will finally tell a Doctor Who story in the medium, with an epic that sees companion Martha Jones captured by the insatiable Pyromeths; her only hope for survival is to keep them distracted with sensational untold tales of the Tenth Doctor facing off against his greatest foes – both classic and new!

This all-new Tenth Doctor comic teams Slott with fan-favourite artist, Christopher Jones (The Third Doctor: Heralds Of Destruction; The Seventh Doctor: Operation Volcano).

Dan Slott says:

“One of the worst secrets in comics is that I am one of the world’s biggest Whovians! I’ve been regularly watching Doctor Who since the Tom Baker years, and am deeply devoted to every incarnation of the show! I’ve been waiting to write stories for the Doctor my whole life! And I couldn’t be happier than getting a chance to tell an all-new tale of the Tenth Doctor – and to be doing this with Chris and all the fine folks at TITAN! Allons-Y!”

Doctor Who comics editor, Jake Devine enthuses:

“I’m very excited to be working on this project with Dan – he’s a huge Who fan, and it shows. This Doctor Who special exudes all of Dan’s creativity and love of storytelling, with a few surprises along the way!”

Titan Comics Publishers, Dr Vivian Cheung and Nick Landau, add:

“We’re totally fired up that Dan is bringing his incredible knowledge and lifelong enthusiasm for Doctor Who to writing a story that will lead into a year long chapter for our favourite Time Lord”

Titan’s previous Tenth Doctor series was written by Nick Abadzis, a fantastic writer whose run was sadly cancelled when The Thirteenth Doctor comics were launched. Slott, however, is a fan of Abadzis’ work, particularly highlighting his indie graphic novel, Laika.

Doctor Who: Special 2022 from Titan Comics will retail at £6.99, and is expected to come out in May.

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Former Amazing Spider-Man Scribe, Dan Slott, to Write Tenth Doctor Annuals for Titan Comics

by Philip Bates time to read: 1 min