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Out Now: Will Rani and Clyde Admit Their Feelings For Each Other in The Revenge of Wormwood?

Rani Chandra, Clyde Langer, and Luke Smith, as played by Anjli Mohindra, Daniel Anthony, and Tommy Knight in The Sarah Jane Adventures, are back in three brand-new full-cast audio adventures from Big Finish.

And we’re teased that Rani and Clyde might finally admit how they feel about each other…

In Rani Takes on the World: The Revenge of Wormwood, Samantha Bond (James Bond; Downton Abbey) also returns as Mrs Wormwood – leader of the malevolent Bane.

Producer Emily Cook said:

“The theme of this second set is hopes, dreams, and regrets. With Rani Takes on the World, I feel we’re exploring subjects which are very real and relatable in terms of how we navigate life and face the world. How we grow and change, and how we stay the same.”

Here’s what to expect:

Time Schisms! by Lizbeth Myles

Podcast fan Anna thinks there’s a time traveller working in her local post office. So, who else should she ask to investigate other than Rani Chandra? Unconvinced at first, Rani is shocked when an old friend warns her off. If UNIT don’t want her looking into it, there must be something to the phenomena… But will Rani’s quest for the truth drive a wedge between her and Luke?

The Star-Crossed Diversion by Alison Winter

After falling asleep on the night tube, Rani and Clyde wake in a nightmare – a future in which the Bane have succeeded in taking over the Earth. Humans are docile cattle, the planet’s resources sold to the highest bidder. Bane Uncle Crispin believes all opposition has been crushed, but the new arrivals are ready to fight. Are they the last hope of resistance? And how can Rani and Clyde ever return home?

The Ghost of Bannerman Road by Jonathan Morris

13 Bannerman Road. The place where it all began, where Rani, Clyde and Luke fought alien menaces with Sarah Jane. Now it’s locked up, derelict and under the watch of UNIT, because top scientists are mysteriously disappearing, and items of alien technology are being stolen from laboratories. An old friend is planning to make her return… and Rani and Clyde have to face their own ghosts.

Russell T Davies, creator of The Sarah Jane Adventures, said:

“I can’t actually remember how the audio series came about, if it was Big Finish who came to me with it or if it was the producer Emily Cook. I think it was Emily!

“Anyway, we got in touch with Anjli, Daniel, and Tommy who all agreed to take part. It’s fantastic that Anjli can do this because she’s such a leading actor these days. I’m delighted for her. I’ve been following her and always congratulate her. Her continued success is just one of the great pleasures in my life.

“There were many stories being bandied about for this new box set so I had a Zoom with the writers and gave them a lot of suggestions as to how things should go. I’ve always loved the relationship between Daniel and Anjli as Clyde and Rani. I had a lot to tell the writers and it was a fun session. I actually thought, ‘I should do calls like this more often,’ as they are a really nice bunch!

“And then, I left them to it. And I’ve got to say, I’m delighted by the end result.”

Big Finish listeners can order Rani Takes on the World: Beyond Bannerman Road and The Revenge of Wormwood together in a bundle from £33.

Or you can get The Revenge of Wormwood by itself for £19.99 as a CD boxset and download (or £16.99 as a download only).

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Out Now: Will Rani and Clyde Admit Their Feelings For Each Other in The Revenge of Wormwood?

by Philip Bates time to read: 2 min