The Mirror and Times report the BBC’s denial that Doctor Who has been axed.
Just register and you’re in with a chance of winning the Eleventh Doctor’s bow tie!
Looking back at stories like The Pirate Planet, Destiny of the Daleks, City of Death, and The Horns of Nimon…
Don’t cry, Doctor — we’re sure your score isn’t *that* bad!
It’s Christmastime. You know what that means, right? It’s the BIG DWC Quiz!
An often -accurate newspaper reports that the show’s future is “up in the air”.
Naturally, this comes during a screening of The Happiness Patrol…
Showrunner, Russell T Davies, has confirmed Gatwa isn’t locked in for Series 15 yet.
The budget would go down if Disney pulls out, but would the BBC pick up the slack?
Frank Danes steps outside the fandom bubble to find out what casual viewers think…