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The Doctor Who Companion Christmas Quiz 2024: The Answers

Cast your mind back to before the Time Hotel! You’ll recall, in those dim and distant times, we set you a series of tough Doctor Who questions for you to puzzle out over Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

We hope you’ve jotted down your thoughts for each question because here are…

Answers to The Doctor Who Companion 2024 Christmas Quiz!

How did you do?

1. Currency

a. The inhabitants of Pluto in The Sun Makers

b. Vorg, Shirna (and presumably the inhabitants of Inter Minor) in Carnival of Monsters

c. Glitz and Dibber in The Trial of a Time Lord

2. Drinks

a. The Fourth Doctor, in a fake pub peopled by androids, in The Android Invasion

b. The Third Doctor in Styles’ house in Day of the Daleks

c. The Fourth Doctor again, in Mr de Vries’s house, in The Stones of Blood

d. Ah – a trick question. Mel threatens the Sixth Doctor with this revolting beverage outside the TARDIS at the end of The Trial of a Time Lord.

e. The Fourth Doctor again, in the Kaled interrogation room in Genesis of the Daleks. He doesn’t get either tea or coffee, but a barrage of threats instead.

3. The TARDIS and the Doctor’s companions:

a. Leela, in The Invasion of Time

b. River Song

c. Bill

d. Nardole

e. Rory

f. Ian Chesterton

g. Susan threatens Ian with a pair of scissors

h. Leela in The Face of Evil

i. Nyssa and Tegan

j. Adric and Romana are both seen to have bedrooms in the TARDIS

k. Sarah, in The Masque of Mandragora

4. Music

a. Chris Waits and the Carollers are the band of the Honourable Rory Waits. The band changes its name to John Smith and the Common Men. Susan is dancing to them when she first appears in An Unearthly Child; a poster advertising them is seen in The Devil’s Chord.

b. The Seventh Doctor in The TV Movie.

c. The Day of the Doctor

5. Which story…?

a. The Talons of Weng-Chiang

b. The Crusades

c. The Talons of Weng-Chiang (again)

6. First Words

a. The War Chief in The War Games

b. The Cyberleader in Earthshock

c. Fenric in The Curse of Fenric

d. The Master in Terror of the Autons

e. BOSS in The Green Death

f. A Dalek in The Dead Planet

7. Novelisations

a. “Doctor WhoTwice Upon a Time”. The Twelfth and First Doctor meet Hamish Lethbridge-Stewart.

b. “Doctor Who and the Ark in Space”. The Wirrn Queen infiltrates the Ark but is attacked by the automatic defence system.

c. “Doctor Who and the Cave Monsters”. The Silurians prepare to enter their shelter.

d. “Doctor Who and the Doomsday Weapon”. Jo Grant contemplates leaving her new job at UNIT.

e. “Doctor Who and the Zarbi”. The Animus is destroyed.

8. Novelisations in French!

a) A Dalek emerges from the Thames in “Docteur Who – Les Daleks Envahissent La Terre” (“Doctor Who and the Dalek Invasion of Earth”)

b) Temossus is exterminated by the Daleks in “Docteur Who – Les Daleks” (“Doctor Who and the Daleks”)

c) The original English expression for “Hommes-Machines”? Robomen.

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Frank Danes

The Doctor Who Companion Christmas Quiz 2024: The Answers

by Frank Danes time to read: 2 min