Learn more about what went into this multi-year project from the DWC’s editor.
Including 100 Objects of Doctor Who, Beast of Fang Rock, and Timeslides!
Take a timely trip to this great DWAS convention in Birmingham in April 2024…
It’s a companion book to the Companion site…
Get It Before It’s Gone: Candy Jar Reissues Hardback of Kklak! The Doctor Who Art of Chris Achilléos
There’s a limited number being reprinted, so be quick!
Adventures in Time and Space – 60 Years of Doctor Who Art runs until late January 2024.
Plus, order your copy and get a free postcard and Lucy Wilson book!
The new edition features contributions from his family, plus new artwork of the Twelfth Doctor.
This new volume from Candy Jar Books shows you how the artist painted covers for the VHS range, DWM, and more.
Check out this downloadable PDF, available now as a free taster of Timeslides: The Doctor Who Art of Colin Howard.