After a considerable delay, viewers will finally have a chance to see Matt Smith in zombie film Patient Zero this
Geronimo! Get ready to dive into four new audio adventures with the Eleventh Doctor from Big Finish. Narrated by Jacob
Three new Doctor Who action figure sets are shipping exclusively to B&M stores across the UK – but before rushing out
Boasting an impressive line-up including no less than ten actors who have played the Doctor, the London Film and Comic
It was a long journey, and it started with the clunk of a lever, and the flash of a face
After a dearth of news on the new series of Doctor Who which has left many a website editor tearing
Tom Baker, the Fourth Doctor himself, has revealed that no one else apart from Matt Smith welcomed him to the
Before David Tennant’s departure was announced, then-incoming showrunner/head writer Steven Moffat had some very different ideas for Series 5, which
Considering he only really showed up in two Doctor Who episodes (The Name of the Doctor and The Day of
Thanks to the wonders of Big Finish, even Paul McGann’s Eighth Doctor has enjoyed a solid degree of prolificacy, despite