Looking back at stories like The Pirate Planet, Destiny of the Daleks, City of Death, and The Horns of Nimon…
Forget The Giggle! The Toymaker was supposed to return back in the 1980s…
Learn all the behind-the-scenes details from every story between An Unearthly Child and The Time Warrior…
The outline was written in 1972, so envisions Jon Pertwee in the lead role.
I’ve been working with Colin for months now to bring together his extraordinary portfolio.
Doctor Who: The Five Doctors is available as part of The Essential Terrance Dicks: Volume Two.
And it includes a new version of the “lost” finale, Shada!
This certainly isn’t the same novel as the 2017 adaptation of The Pirate Planet. So is this Target novel worth investing in, Mr Fibuli?
With The Web of Fear on the horizon, let’s look back at the animated DVD and Blu-ray releases…
The new DWM looks at messy Doctor Who continuity.