War Stories is the winner of this year’s Paul Spragg Memorial Short Trips Opportunity.
The Doctor and Cass grow closer, before their fateful first/final meeting in The Night of the Doctor…
Davros heads back into the Time War…
What might’ve happened if the Fourth Doctor destroyed the Daleks in Genesis of the Daleks?
Battle the Daleks between 13th January and 1st February 2022.
The set picks up immediately after the events of The Night of the Doctor.
You’ll recognise Armitage from Robin Hood, Spooks, and The Hobbit trilogy.
Terry Molloy and Ken Bones are back as Davros and the General, respectively.
Susan voyages into the Time War, alongside Ian Chesterton and the Eighth Doctor.
Big Finish’s successful Gallifrey spin-off returns in early 2020 – taking us back into the Timer War! The new boxset