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Barnes & Noble Leather-Bound Dalek Collectable Edition

Everyone loves a Dalek story, right? In the Leather-bound Barnes & Noble Collectable Edition, you get two for the price of one!
To be released at the end of this week, the special hardback book includes tales featuring the Seventh and Tenth Doctors: the Target novelisation of Remembrance of the Daleks by Ben Aaronovitch, and Prisoner of the Daleks, a New Series Adventures title by Trevor Baxendale, originally published in 2009.
Barnes & Noble’s leather-bound editions generally are flashy, luxurious reprints of real classics, the line also including titles like Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Jane Austen’s Persuasion, and This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald – so having these Dalek tales published in the same range is quite an honour, really! Previously, Touched by an Angel and The Silent Stars Go By were collected together for Barnes and Noble.
Barnes and Noble Daleks 2
Here are the synopses for the two stories:

Remembrance of the Daleks

With unfinished business to attend to, the Seventh Doctor returns to where it all began: Coal Hill School in London in 1963. Last time he was here, the Doctor left something behind – a powerful Time Lord artefact that could unlock the secrets of time travel. Can the Doctor retrieve it before two rival factions of Daleks track it down? And even if he can, how will the Doctor prevent the whole of London becoming a war zone as the Daleks meet in explosive confrontation?

Prisoner of the Daleks

The Daleks are advancing, their empire constantly expanding. The battles rage on across countless solar systems – and the Doctor finds himself stranded on board a starship near the frontline with a group of ruthless bounty hunters. Earth Command will pay these hunters for every Dalek they kill, every eyestalk they bring back as proof.
With the Doctor’s help, the bounty hunters achieve the ultimate prize: a Dalek prisoner – intact, powerless, and ready for interrogation. But with the Daleks, nothing is what it seems, and no one is safe. Before long the tables will be turned, and how will the Doctor survive when he becomes a prisoner of the Daleks?

Interestingly, these books have recently been rereleased in paperback anyway, Remembrance representing Sylvester McCoy’s era for the 50th anniversary reprints, and Prisoner the following year as part of “The Monster Collection.”
Barnes and Noble Daleks
This leather-bound edition features a beautiful cover and really is perfect for collectors.
Expected to be released this Friday, the Doctor Who Leather-Bound Edition has an RRP of $25, and though primarily available in the USA, fans in the UK can get a copy from The Book Depository for £17.90 (RRP £20).

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Barnes & Noble Leather-Bound Dalek Collectable Edition

by Philip Bates time to read: 2 min