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Peter Capaldi Surprises Newlyweds with a Message from The Doctor

The Doctor is no stranger to weddings. He’s danced that strange ‘wavy arm dance’ at the Ponds nuptials, organised an impromptu union with River Song and accidentally ruined Donna Noble’s not-so-perfect, perfect day.
So it’s no surprise that he’s back amongst the blushing brides and intoxicated uncles, sending a very special message to two recently married Doctor Who fans.
It’s another wonderful reminder – as if we needed more – that Peter Capaldi is a true gent. Not only does he make Lesley and Brian’s day (even the bride literally bows to him) but he also seems to be channelling Tom Baker – check out his delivery of ‘hello Brian, hello Lesley’ it’s pure Fourth Doctor.
It’s a masterclass in fan interaction.

So here’s to Lesley and Brian! And of course the Twelfth Doctor, who’s already seen the many happy years they have to come.

Andrew Reynolds

Peter Capaldi Surprises Newlyweds with a Message from The Doctor

by Andrew Reynolds time to read: 1 min
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