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Out Now: The Return of Doctor Mysterio on DVD and Blu-ray

It’s not even been a week since the announcement that Peter Capaldi is leaving Doctor Who, and it already feels like the landscape of fandom has shifted. It’s a turbulent, worrying, and thrilling time – so let’s rewind to Christmas 2016, and the last episode we sat through without knowing that the Twelfth Doctor would be regenerating soon.
It now sounds odd to say that The Return of Doctor Mysterio is Capaldi’s penultimate Christmas episode, but this is now fact. So let’s just enjoy it. And now you can, with the DVD and Blu-ray release, complete with special features. In case you’ve had a brain-transplant and it’s slipped your mind, here’s what the serial was about:

In this epic Christmas Special, the Doctor joins forces with a masked Superhero for a fantastic New York adventure.

With brain-swapping aliens poised to attack, the Doctor and Nardole link up with an investigative reporter and a mysterious figure known only as The Ghost.

The 60 minute Doctor Who Christmas Special is written by Steven Moffat, Executive Produced by Brian Minchin, Produced by Peter Bennett, and Directed by Ed Bazalgette (Poldark).

The special starred Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor, Matt Lucas as Nardole, Charity Wakefield as Lucy Fletcher, and Justin Chatwin as Grant/ The Ghost.
For a full batch of special features, you’ll likely have to wait for the Series 10 boxset (we presume Mysterio will be part of that); still, this DVD/Blu-ray gives you a brief glimpse behind-the-scenes:

The Doctor: A New Kind of Hero – The Doctor has no superpowers, but he can stand proudly alongside the greatest superheroes ever known. In this special program, we’ll ask what it is about the Doctor that makes him so heroic.

Doctor Who Extra: The Return of Doctor Mysterio – Join stars Peter Capaldi and Matt Lucas, showrunner Steven Moffat, and many more for this very special inside look at the making of The Return of Doctor Mysterio.

Our review of the special concluded:

“The Return of Doctor Mysterio is a fun instalment with lots going for it, but also lots of niggles… For now, the episode accomplishes what it sets out to achieve: an upbeat number that highlights the most important thing of all. At long last, the Doctor is back.”

The Return of Doctor Mysterio is out now, priced £13.27 on DVD, and £16.33 on Blu-ray (no, we’re not making those odd prices up!).

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Out Now: The Return of Doctor Mysterio on DVD and Blu-ray

by Philip Bates time to read: 2 min