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An Unexpected Event Left Peter Capaldi and David Bradley 'Almost Blubbing' During Christmas Special

An unexpected event left David Bradley and Peter Capaldi ‘almost blubbing’ during the filming of this year’s Christmas special, Twice Upon a Time.
In a discussion during last weekend’s London Film and Comic Con, the actor who’ll be reprising his role as the First Doctor from An Adventure in Space and Time, told gathered fans that a scene from the departing Twelfth Doctor’s final episode left both himself and Peter Capaldi in tears – and that was somehow unexpected…
Surprises are rare in the heavily scheduled, tightly scripted world of telly, so perhaps the something unexpected was something sprung upon them but what could that possibly mean?
Eluding to the tear-jerking moment, Bradley said:
“There’s an event towards the end of [the Christmas special] that happens and when it happened, well, we just did a take and neither Peter nor I expected it.
“There was no CGI involved, it was all happening and we were both almost blubbing by the time that the take ended. I can’t say, I’m not going to say, what it was but it was quite an event and we weren’t prepared for all the things that were going to be going on around us as we were doing our dialogue.
“And as I say to you, we got quite lumpy. They’ve kept that out of the trailer but it takes it all to another dimension…”
Colour us intrigued…what could possibly raise an episode featuring two Doctors, a farewell to Peter Capaldi and Steven Moffat, and the introduction of the first female Doctor to ‘another dimension’?
Whatever it is, it’s certainly going to be emotional.
Doctor Who will return Christmas Day with Twice Upon a Time on BBC One.

Andrew Reynolds

An Unexpected Event Left Peter Capaldi and David Bradley 'Almost Blubbing' During Christmas Special

by Andrew Reynolds time to read: 1 min
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