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Reviewed: Titan Comics' Doctor Who – The Lost Dimension #1 Alpha

Pulling off the trick of drawing in new readers with the promise of a near-breathless adventure across space and time – as well teasing fans with the promise of some pleasing cross-time team ups – Titan Comics’ Doctor Who – The Lost Dimension #1 is positively bursting with cinematic ideas.
Combining two of Titan Comics most consistently fun writers, George Mann and Cavan Scott (who both cut their teeth creating the kind of epic storytelling on display here in last year’s summer comic event, Supremacy of the Cybermen), with art by the definitive Doctor Who artist of the moment, Rachael Stott, Doctor Who – The Lost Dimension #1 Alpha is an absolute treat.
Engineering a universe-wide crisis and working back from there, Scott and Mann set the stakes sky high from page one, weaving a disaster that’s both all-consuming and yet it retains its threat as it encroaches upon each Doctor’s timeline in fresh and inventive ways.

The enemy is The Void and it’s come for all of reality – it’s a mammoth task for one Doctor, so we’re lucky to be getting multiple Doctors and companions from across all of space and time.
There’s Captain Jack and Tara, who find themselves being rescued by a mysterious stranger in a very cool Gallifreyan spacesuit; the Tenth Doctor who finds his TARDIS merging with another familiar face in a frilly shirt; then there’s the Twelfth Doctor who, when he’s not dividing all the history books into ‘fact and fiction’ the library at St. Luke’s University, answers a call from a long-lost relation once presumed dead, and then there’s the Eleventh Doctor who pops up long enough to tell us that The Doomsday Circuit is sounding…which is as promising as it sounds.
However, the real heroes of this first issue are the art team.

Thanks to the beautiful, charming artwork of Rachael Stott, who, need it be said once again, has an uncanny ability to capture the bristled anger and playfulness of the Twelfth Doctor (just look at his hair! It’s perfect!) really embodies both the grand storytelling and quieter, more compassionate side of Doctor Who; making this a screen-worthy venture. Taking her lead, the other artists Cris Bolson, Pasquale Qualano, Elton Thomasi, Klebs Jr., and JB Bastos, distil the essence of the show by finding the spark between the Doctor and his companions amid the world-shattering fireworks.
Someone else who should be singled out for praise is colourist Rod Fernandes. It’s one thing for the artists to really capture the look of each character but it’s an entirely other thing to capture the look of each era of the show and keep the whole thing tonally consistent. Be it the album cover depictions of planets meeting their fiery end or the warm, the orange and brown tones of the Tenth Doctors TARDIS, the slightly over-lit look of the Fifth Doctor’s console, and the warmer, high production gloss of the Twelfth Doctor’s era, Fernandes knocks it out of the park.
Even if you maybe feeling slightly fatigued by the recent flurry of multi-Doctor stories from Titan Comics, you owe it to yourself to re-engage with the bold, exciting, breakneck storytelling on display in Doctor Who – The Lost Dimension. As every page reveal another promising connection between the past and the future, Scott and Mann (along with the stellar art team) – this first issue is an engrossing and charming re-commitment by Titan Comics to open the world of Doctor Who up to new and exciting possibilities.
Doctor Who – The Lost Dimension #1 Alpha is available to buy now from all good stockists and digitally via Comixology. 

Andrew Reynolds

Reviewed: Titan Comics' Doctor Who – The Lost Dimension #1 Alpha

by Andrew Reynolds time to read: 2 min