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Enjoy An Improvised Doctor Who Musical at the Edinburgh Fringe

If you are attending the Edinburgh Fringe Festival this year than one thing you’re going to want to definitely check out is the Doctor Who Musical!

An improvised piece called Any Suggestions Doctor?, it’s the brainchild of a group of young comedians: Lewis Dunn, Charles Deane, Louise Jones, James Gamblin, Harry Whittaker, Matthew Stallworthy, and Zack Sizer.

The whole affair will see the audience playing an important part in the proceedings with them being asked where in time and space they want to go, and who they want the cast to play. And the entire venue, Pleasance King Dome, will be transformed into the TARDIS!

With the audience’s information, the troupe will then create an hour-long Doctor Who adventure, full of terrifying monsters, strange scenarios, funny antics, and maybe the odd few classic Doctor Who characters, but be warned, it might be a little cheekier than the average on-screen adventure…

The festival promises though that this young gang are old hands at this, with their show having taken them all over the country and across space from planets like Heinz 57 to historical periods like the Arthurian, Tudor and Western periods. They even fought off an alien invasion in Slough, and saw the Silence turning Glasgow into a ghost town.

This show promises to be a must see, not just for fans of the Festival but also die-hard Doctor Who fans. The Festival runs from the 2nd to 26th August 2019. Other items that promise to attract a lot of interest include a Harry Potter improv show, a Friends musical, and a political comedy called Now That’s What I Call Brexit.

Celebrity guests include, Frank Skinner, Eddie Izzard, Russell Howard, and Stephen Fry amongst many others.

Big Finish recently featured the festival in their entry to The Omega Factor range with Festival of Darkness. The Silence might be the least of your worries…

Jordan Shortman

Enjoy An Improvised Doctor Who Musical at the Edinburgh Fringe

by Jordan Shortman time to read: 1 min
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