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Listen to The King of Golden Death, a Free Audio Adventure Read by Anneke Wills

If you’re searching for a slice of the Second Doctor era, we have just the ticket: this reading of The King of Golden Death, narrated by Anneke Wills, who played Polly, companion to Patrick Troughton’s incarnation of the Time Lord.

The story originated in the Doctor Who Annual 1968, the first annual to star the Second Doctor, featuring eight short stories and two comic strips. This reading comes from The Doctor Who Audio Annual, released in December 2017.

The King of Golden Death is a pure historical, unusual nowadays, but fitting for the era – the last proper historical was The Highlanders, Troughton’s second TV serial, which also co-starred Wills, alongside Michael Craze as Ben and Frazer Hines as Jamie.

Have a listen now to the complete story:

Set in Egypt, the tale is a rather timeless examination of time travellers abusing their privileges by benetting financially from their journeys.

The Doctor Who Audio Annual kick-started a popular range which is still going today – the latest of which will go on sale in December. Here’s the synopsis for the first Audio Annual:

For two decades, from the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s, every fan of the Doctor hoped to find The Doctor Who Annual in their Christmas stocking. Larger than life and twice as colourful, the stories within were exuberant ― and often charmingly naive ― in their take on ‘the children’s own programme which adults adore’.

Here, for the first time on audio, Peter Purves (Steven), Anneke Wills (Polly), Geoffrey Beevers (the Master), Matthew Waterhouse (Adric) and Nicola Bryant (Peri) read a selection of these colourful and energetic tales.

In The Sons of Grekk, the First Doctor is held prisoner in a brutal, otherworldly society. The King of Golden Death finds that the Second Doctor, Polly and Ben have materialised inside an Ancient Egyptian pyramid. The Third Doctor, Jo and the Brigadier confront a familiar adversary in Dark Intruders, whilst in Conundrum the Fourth Doctor, Adric and K9 experience warped physics in the corridors of the TARDIS. FacingThe Penalty, a delirious Fifth Doctor finds old friends and adversaries ganging up on him, and the Sixth Doctor and Peri plunge into a dangerous period of British history in The Real Hereward.

Also included are two vintage essays on the character of our favourite Time Lord: Who is Doctor Who? from 1966 and The Phoenix in the TARDIS from 1968.

Take a nostalgic journey through time with these vintage Doctor Who tales.

The Doctor Who Audio Annual is on sale now, with an RRP of £13.25.

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, The Silver Archive: The Stone Tape, and 100 Objects of Doctor Who.

Listen to The King of Golden Death, a Free Audio Adventure Read by Anneke Wills

by Philip Bates time to read: 2 min
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