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Download the First Part of Big Finish’s Doctor Who: The Nightmare Fair – Completely Free

You can download part one of Doctor Who: The Nightmare Fair from Big Finish now – and it’s completely free!

This is part of the audio company’s initiative to give fans free adventures throughout August, following their giving away over 100,000 free downloads over the previous six months of lockdown. August’s giveaways including free and discounted releases, entitled Weekly Freebies. These will be made available to download exclusively from Big Finish’s Weekly Deals.

Each download will be available for one week only, and comes accompanied by a special discount offer on related titles, available as either downloads or collector’s edition CDs or box sets.

The Nightmare Fair, written by Graham Williams, adapted by John Ainsworth, was Big Finish’s first ever Lost Story, adapted from the script originally planned for Doctor Who’s Season 23 on television. It stars Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant (as the Sixth Doctor and Peri, respectively), with guest star David Bailie as the Celestial Toymaker (a part originated by Michael Gough in the 1960s). Here’s the synopsis:

The TARDIS has been drawn to Blackpool in the year 1985, where the Doctor intends to investigate a dangerous space/time vortex… while enjoying some local attractions along the way. But an old enemy is watching from his base deep within the amusement park, a timeless being who craves revenge. 

The Celestial Toymaker has returned. The game is on. And, should he lose, the Doctor will pay the ultimate forfeit… 

The complete Nightmare Fair is available for £4.99 as a collector’s edition CD or download (at over 60% OFF), while stocks last. And listeners can get up to 60% off any story in Doctor Who: The Lost Stories (series one), and up to 50% off The Lost Stories: The Second Doctor box set, either as collector’s edition CD, or as a digital download, while stocks last.

All offers end at 23:59 on 16th August 2020. All titles offered are going out of print – once the current stock is sold, these will not be repressed.

Take advantage of these releases over at the Big Finish site.

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Download the First Part of Big Finish’s Doctor Who: The Nightmare Fair – Completely Free

by Philip Bates time to read: 1 min