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Doctor Who: Resolution Loses Out on Hugo Award

Another year, another round up of Hugo Nominations. The Doctor Who 2019 New Year’s Special, Resolution, in which Jodie Whittaker’s Thirteenth Doctor faced a Dalek for the first time, was nominated in the Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form category.

The Hugo Awards are for achievements in sci-fi and fantasy, or speculative fiction as it sometimes gets called. Everything from novellas to films each have their own category.

Sadly, our beloved show did not win this year; the excellent The Good Place won for its episode, The Answer. If you haven’t checked out that show, you really should.

It was up against The Expanse: Cibola Burn; The Mandalorian: Redemption; and two episodes of WatchmenA God Walks into Abar, and This Extraordinary Being.

Doctor Who‘s own Neil Gaiman’s Good Omens (which co-starred Tenth Doctor actor, David Tennant) won Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form. You’ll know Gaiman for Nightmare in Silver and The Doctor’s Wife, the latter of which also starred Good Omens‘ Michael Sheen.

Previous Hugo award winners include The Empty Child/ The Doctor Dances, The Waters of Mars, and The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang. Resolution is the third Thirteenth Doctor story, after Rosa and Demons of the Punjab, to be nominated, though there hasn’t been a winner since The Doctor’s Wife.

Do you agree with the winners? Are there any other episodes of Doctor Who you think should have been up for it?

Liam Brice-Bateman

Doctor Who: Resolution Loses Out on Hugo Award

by Liam Brice-Bateman time to read: 1 min
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