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FREE: Download the First Chapter of Paul Darrow’s Autobiography, You’re Him, Aren’t You?

Blake’s 7 fans can enjoy the first chapter of the late, great Paul Darrow’s autobiography, read by the man himself back in 2016, from Big Finish.

This can be downloaded for free, as part of the company’s Lockdownloads project.

While the UK remains in lockdown, Big Finish is releasing free downloads of full-cast audio dramas for a limited time. Every Monday, a new story (or episode from a boxset) can be downloaded for free exclusively from Big Finish.

This week’s is You’re Him, Aren’t You?Our Hero Lives! 

Originally released in June 2016, You’re Him, Aren’t You? is Paul Darrow’s life story in his own words, read on audiobook by the great man himself. In this first chapter, Darrow sets the scene of his childhood, discussing how his parents met, his schooldays and his first loves – including acting.

Here’s the synopsis for the full audio:

Paul Darrow’s career has encompassed theatre, television and film. Famed for his portrayal of Kerr Avon, a ruthless and calculating computer expert, in Terry Nation’s science fiction series Blake’s 7, Darrow has also appeared in Coronation Street, Emergency Ward 10, and many other productions – including two guest appearances in Doctor Who.  

Populated by familiar names and productions, You’re Him, Aren’t You? is Paul’s own story of his life and career. It tells of his association with Blake’s 7 – how he was cast, his experiences of making the show, what has happened since and his memories of Terry Nation, the cast and the crew. It also tells of his childhood, his time playing Elvis Presley and his near miss with James Bond. 

In our review, Jonathan Appleton said:

“Darrow is honest about the series’ limitations (as he says himself, they weren’t making Shakespeare): the chronic shortage of money to spend on special effects which made it the butt of many jokes; the thinly written roles for the female crew members; and the fact that some episodes haven’t stood the test of time too well. But given the continuing enthusiasm for the show among its fans he’s surely correct in arguing that Blake’s 7 offered a new spin on an old format and that the lead characters were no mere stereotypes.”

Plus, for a limited time, you can get up to 40% off the full version of You’re Him, Aren’t You?, in both audiobook and novel form, and up to 60% off selected Blake’s 7 books and audiobooks, including Blake’s 7: Lucifer (Audiobook, Novel and eBook), Blake’s 7: Lucifer Revelation (Audiobook, Novel and eBook), and Blake’s 7: Lucifer Genesis (Novel and eBook). There’s also a plethora of bundle deals available.

All the above offers can be accessed at the Big Finish Weekly Deals page and must end at 23:59 on 7th March 2021. 

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

FREE: Download the First Chapter of Paul Darrow’s Autobiography, You’re Him, Aren’t You?

by Philip Bates time to read: 2 min