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Learn How to Code with the BBC HiFive Inventor, Narrated by Jodie Whittaker

Your children will now be able to learn to code, with the help of the Doctor!

The HiFive Inventor, a Next-Generation Education Technology Mini-Computer, is an Internet of Things-enabled hand-shaped mini-computer designed to teach kids how to control robots or interface with IoT systems to investigate the world around them.

This collaboration between BBC Learning and Tynker features the voice of the Thirteenth Doctor, Jodie Whittaker.

With built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technologies, this reinforces the wireless data handoff between devices (or “HiFive”) that will power 21st Century technology applications of computing for smart cities, intelligent factories, and enhanced wearable technology. Basically, it’ll give kids a solid foundation in coding.

The Doctor takes students on intergalactic journeys and challenges like learning to code and pilot an alien spaceship, control a robot, and program an exotic musical instrument.

Like all Tynker courses, the BBC Doctor Who HiFive Inventor will teach kids essential skills as they are having fun. Younger students will begin their learning journey with the Tynker visual block coding and advanced students with Micropython.

Students will be able to read data from the on-board suite of sensors and program on-device decisions to display results using the fun and colourful LED-matrix display. The HiFive Inventor is powered by a robust SiFive processor and comes with an illuminated USB cable, battery pack, and edge connectors to allow for expandability to a range of additional sensors and devices.

The BBC HiFive Inventor is available to order through the BBC Shop, Amazon, Pimoroni, and other leading retailers now, priced $74.95.

If this is all a bit baffling (because it really is to anyone who isn’t au fait with coding), you can learn more at

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Learn How to Code with the BBC HiFive Inventor, Narrated by Jodie Whittaker

by Philip Bates time to read: 1 min