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Big Finish Announces Rory Williams’ Return in The Lone Centurion – Volume Two: Camelot

Rory Williams will become a knight of the Round Table in Big Finish’s second volume of The Lone Centurion, named Camelot, due out in July 2022.

This second volume of full-cast audio adventures finds Rory Williams in the court of King Arthur, where wizardry and quests await him, all whilst he protects the Pandorica. This box set also features Hugh Skinner (W1A, Mamma Mia 2: Here We Go Again) as Sir Lancelot, Luyanda Unati Lewis-Nyawo (Devs, The War Master) as Queen Guinevere, Sam Stafford (The Box of Delights, Philip Hinchcliffe Presents) as King Arthur, and Richard Clifford (It’s A Sin, The Crown) as Merlin.

The cast are completed by Barnaby Edwards (Gallifrey, Sherlock Holmes), Rosie Baker (Torchwood, The Sixth Doctor Adventures), Harley Viveash (The Robots, Cicero), Maanuv Thiara (Line of Duty), Henry Nott (The War Master, Cicero), and Tom Alexander (UNIT, The Eighth Doctor Adventures). 

Here’s what to expect:

Rory Williams – the Lone Centurion. A man trapped in a body not his own and stranded in history. His one job is to guard the Pandorica, the tomb of his fiancée. But life gets in the way, even when you’re immortal. 

The Once and Future Nurse by Alfie Shaw 

Camelot is in trouble. Lancelot is wounded and Merlin warns that dark times are ahead. The wizard’s convinced the solution lies in the mythical Pandorica. Meanwhile, Lancelot owes his life to a humble servant named Rory. 

The Glowing Warrior by Tim Foley 

Arise Sir Rory! Every new knight must embark upon a quest, and soon Sir Rory (and his noble squire Lancelot) head out to solve the mystery of the Glowing Knight and save a damsel in distress. But are they walking into a trap? 

The Last King of Camelot by Kate Thorman 

Camelot is under attack. Arthur and Guinevere have fled and Merlin’s direst prophecies have come true. Can Rory prevail before the kingdom falls? 

Director and producer, Scott Handcock said:

“It was lovely reintroducing Rory to the Doctor Who universe in the first volume of The Lone Centurion and now we follow the character a few centuries on to his adventures in Camelot. It’s a brilliant backdrop for an alternative-timeline universe. We get to play with the legend of King Arthur and have assembled a brilliant supporting cast alongside our other Arthur (Darvill) including Sam Stafford, Luyanda Unati Lewis-Nyawo, Richard Clifford, and a scene-stealing performance from Hugh Skinner as Lancelot!” 

The Lone Centurion – Volume Two: Camelot is now available to pre-order as a collector’s edition CD (at £19.99) or digital download (at £16.99), exclusively from the Big Finish website. Or you can save money by ordering both volumes of The Lone Centurion: Rome and Camelot together in a bundle for £38 on CD or £33 on download. 

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, The Silver Archive: The Stone Tape, and 100 Objects of Doctor Who.

Big Finish Announces Rory Williams’ Return in The Lone Centurion – Volume Two: Camelot

by Philip Bates time to read: 2 min
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