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Congratulations! Jodie Whittaker Is Pregnant

Jodie Whittaker has announced she is expecting her second child with husband Christian Contreras.

Look, we’re not turning into a tabloid here, but this is: 1. very happy news and there’s not enough of that in this world; and 2. completely new territory for us because we can actually say:

The Doctor is pregnant!

And congratulations of Jodie and Christian. This really is wonderful.

She revealed her baby bump on the BRITs red carpet. Outfit designer, Carli Pearson, wrote on Instagram:

“The beautiful Jodie Whittaker in our custom made beanbag ball dress for #thebritawards2022 – the dress is all made from end of life materials and was created specifically to incorporate her pregnancy, while allowing Jodie to retain her sense of self.

“We’ve worked with Jodie before and love the energy she brings to our pieces… for this occasion, we wanted to make something both structured and yet playful – and this is the result!”

We’re not taking bets on baby names so far, but Yasmin and Dan have to be in the running. We’d also suggest Doctor, Chris (after showrunner, Chris Chibnall), Romanadvoratrelundar, and Kroll. Just because it’s Kroll, and who doesn’t love Kroll? (We don’t want an actual list of people who don’t love Kroll, thank you.)

After filming her regeneration scene, Matt Strevens, producer, said:

“I had a little chat with her recently and she’s great. She’s spent time with family over Christmas, and has basically just been catching up with people. I think she’s also enjoying being the Doctor in a different kind of way now. Because obviously she’s still the Doctor until autumn, and I’ve heard other actors who’ve played the part say there’s a quite nice period, when you’ve finished filming but you’re still wearing the coat.”

Congratulations again to Jodie and her husband.

The Thirteenth Doctor will return to our screens in Legend of the Sea Devils, later this year.

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Congratulations! Jodie Whittaker Is Pregnant

by Philip Bates time to read: 1 min