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Jodie Whittaker Reflects on Doctor Who Redacted: “It Was Great Revisiting the Doctor”

Jodie Whittaker has reflected on what it’s like to “revisit” playing the Thirteenth Doctor for podcast, Doctor Who: Redacted — which might feel premature, given her penultimate story, Legend of the Sea Devils, hasn’t even aired yet, but, as she points out, filming actually finished last year.

Redacted is an upcoming audio drama released via BBC Sounds, a 10-part run that begins on Easter Sunday (17th April 2022), just after Legend of the Sea Devils. In a new interview conducted by the BBC, Jodie affirms that it’s a story for everyone, whether you’re a seasoned fan or not.

What was it like being a part of Redacted?

It was absolutely brilliant; I loved meeting Charlie [Craggs, who plays Cleo] and Juno [Dawson, writer], their energy is ace, the writing is brilliant. It was wonderful to be a part of and great for me to revisit the character, having not really done anything apart from ADR since October. I think for Doctor Who fans, they’ll really love the adventure; it’s ace!

Can anyone listen to the podcast even if they’ve not watched Doctor Who before?

Yeah, definitely — I think that’s the joy of Doctor Who, with each world that we visit whether in a podcast, an escape room, the TV show, audio book, or anything like that – it’s got enough for everyone in it. It’s got enough for Whovians but it’s also got enough for people visiting it for the first time. It never loses that wonderful Doctor Who identity which makes it unique, but it also never excludes.

Was it hard to portray the Doctor without the visuals or other characters around you?

Absolutely not! No, it was fine; I don’t know if it will ever leave me — like, I immediately start speaking at a hundred miles an hour. I think [Juno] wrote me really brilliantly: I’m used to Chris [Chibnall’s] voice being across everything I’ve done as the Doctor, so it was really interesting to have someone else’s version of my Doctor and it felt completely natural.

Doctor Who: Redacted will be available on BBC Sounds from 17th April. You can find more interviews over on the BBC website, but the PR is such a dumpster fire (they forget any punctuation exists apart from commas, feature phone-in interviews as content, and spell Anjli Mohindra’s name wrong, for God’s sake!), it’s exhausting to read through. Sorry, but it’s depressing when the BBC peddles such rubbish journalism.

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Jodie Whittaker Reflects on Doctor Who Redacted: “It Was Great Revisiting the Doctor”

by Philip Bates time to read: 2 min