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Out Now: The Sixth and Tenth Doctors vs. The Weeping Angels in Big Finish’s Out of Time — Wink

It’s the Tenth and Sixth Doctors versus the Weeping Angels in Out of Time: Wink, a story set on a planet engulfed by blinding light!

It’s the third in the Out of Time trilogy, which pairs up the Tenth Doctor with some previous incarnations, namely the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Doctors. (Yes, we’d love for him to star alongside the Seventh and Eighth Doctors too… and how about the Ninth Doctor, seeing as Christopher Eccleston is busy recording stories for the audio company?!)

Here’s the synopsis:

When the Sixth Doctor goes sight-seeing on Lucidus Silvara, he finds himself in a place where nothing is visible at all… only all-encompassing light! The Tenth Doctor is drawn in by a temporal anomaly, and the two Doctors meet a species with no sense of sight, living in a city surrounded by Weeping Angels.  

To save a civilisation, the Doctors must keep their eyes on the Angels. Don’t blink. Don’t even wink…

The Doctor Who Companion was lucky enough to get an advanced copy of this beauty, so, while our review will go up soon, for now, you can see our brief overview in this delightful video:

Writer Lisa McMullin said:

“The Weeping Angels tap into childhood fears. You can’t reason with them. The only way you can stop an attack is by looking at them or by getting them to look at each other. But what would happen if the Weeping Angels were dropped into a colony of people who don’t have the sense of sight? That’s where the Doctors come in.”

David Tennant added:

“It works very well to have the Weeping Angels on audio. I think the fact that it all happens when you’re not looking is the scary thought — that, if you look away, things will change when you look back. It undermines everything we think we know about how the physical world manifests. 

“To introduce a whole race that doesn’t have the power of sight at all is very clever as, for them, the Angels are a concept that they have to come to terms with.” 

Colin Baker agreed:

“I did wonder how the Weeping Angels would work on audio but it’s all totally credible, real, and happening. Hats off to Lisa McMullin for making it work. I liked it — more please!” 

The supporting cast includes Ayesha Antoine (Midnight; Daleks!), Clive Hayward (Outlander, Victoria), and Joanna van Kampen (The Outlaws, Decline and Fall).

Out of Time 3: Wink is now available to own as a CD (for just £10.99) or a digital download (£8.99), exclusively from Big Finish. Or save money by purchasing the Out of Time bundle, containing all three volumes in the series, for just £27 (as a collector’s edition CD + download) or £24 (download only). 

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Out Now: The Sixth and Tenth Doctors vs. The Weeping Angels in Big Finish’s Out of Time — Wink

by Philip Bates time to read: 2 min