The First Doctor classic, The Celestial Toymaker, is due to be released later this year in animated format, and the cover has seemingly been revealed. And it’s very much a reflection of the animation style. Which isn’t exactly a compliment.
As revealed in December 2023, this largely-missing story has been animated in a rather unusual style, more akin to The Web of Fear than, say, The Evil of the Daleks or The Macra Terror; while many are just happy a First Doctor serial that has three of its four episodes missing is being released in some way, others are less than enamoured with the art style.
And look, we’ve not exactly kept our feelings hidden before, but it’s pretty horrific. The same can be said of the DVD and Blu-ray cover.
Uhm, yes.
The release includes:
- All 4 episodes animated in both colour and black & white
- Audio commentaries
- Newly restored original episode 4
- Making the Animation
- Photo Gallery
Though a release date hasn’t actually been announced, we believe it was, at least at one point, scheduled for the end of this month.
The final episode of The Celestial Toymaker was found in Australia and returned in 1984; the release includes that episode, newly restored.
The Celestial Toymaker will be available on DVD, Blu-ray, and limited edition steelbook.