What happens in the 2000 years Rory waits for Amy…?
River’s journey began and ended in a library, and here she is, in a novel written by the person who knows her best.
Arise, Sir Rory Williams!
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship could’ve set a precedent — so which historical figures should join the TARDIS?
And which prop was Smith given when leaving Doctor Who?
Rory Williams has misplaced the Pandorica, and tracks it to Rome…
“It was funny getting back into [Rory’s] rhythms, and the writers did such a good job of capturing his tone.”
Play the episode at 7pm on Sunday 21st February 2021, and tweet along using #ThyKingdomCome.
The Lone Centurion – Volume One: Rome is released in April 2021, with Volume Two coming out next year.
Follow #WhosALovelyTricey on Saturday 6th February.