Order before Monday 13th January and save £5 too!
Add Spearhead from Space, The Silurians, The Ambassadors of Death, and Inferno to your Collection!
It’s a companion book to the Companion site…
Celebrating Pride Month on the DWC.
Doctor Who and the Auton Invasion is available as part of The Essential Terrance Dicks: Volume One.
The Diary of River Song: New Recruit is due out in October 2021.
Scammell will always be fondly remembered for being a key part of the Jon Pertwee era.
The set includes The Unzal Incursion and The Gulf.
“Homo Reptilia”, better known as the Silurians, date back to 1970.
Peek behind the cameras of Jon Pertwee’s debut season as the Third Doctor.