The Fourteenth and the Fourth Doctors both met Beep the Meep. But which adventure did it better?
Herron is best known for her work on Loki, while Redman for Pont Brec.
Plus, Alex Pillai will direct episodes for Ncuti Gatwa’s Doctor.
Head over to Weymouth to see it in person!
Karen’s also got her eye on the DC Movie Universe…
Comparing Doctor Who’s interconnected universe to Marvel, Star Wars, and more!
VFX Coordinator Siân Reynish promises Marvel Studios-like technology on the new series!
Hoar directed A Good Man Goes to War, back in 2011.
Learn all the behind-the-scenes details from every story between An Unearthly Child and The Time Warrior…
The Fourteenth Doctor announcement came while Ncuti was shooting Barbie.