“It’s months and months of hard work, and well worth the wait.”
The media is reporting Varada’s casting as fact, but the BBC is yet to confirm anything.
We’re told to “keep a keen eye out for amazing fun Easter eggs” too.
It’s “the good sort of controversy”… but what might that mean?
There are rumours that Ruby Sunday has left the TARDIS, and that’s incited the very worst of press coverage.
Get the Fifteenth Doctor and Ruby Sunday’s first adventure together in February!
Plus: the Fifteenth Doctor, Ruby, Beep the Meep, and a Wrarth Warrior!
Plus, chats with David Tennant, Russell T Davies, and Sophie Aldred!
You can hear more from the young actor on That Gaby Roslin Podcast.
And more people witnessed Ruby being dropped off at the church than we know about…