The latest Black Archive release from Obverse Books examines one of the Twelfth Doctor’s most notable episodes – indeed, one of
It may be a million degrees outside, but thoughts have already turned towards the festive period and whether Doctor Who
Before David Tennant’s departure was announced, then-incoming showrunner/head writer Steven Moffat had some very different ideas for Series 5, which
Thanks to the wonders of Big Finish, even Paul McGann’s Eighth Doctor has enjoyed a solid degree of prolificacy, despite
Come from far and wide and witness the terrifying Death Zone! After the destruction of Gallifrey (cough cough), the DWC
Steven Moffat did something brilliant in The Day of the Doctor: he saved Gallifrey. Well, the Doctor did. But more than
You might consider each Doctor to have the same attitude to warfare and militarism, but that’s not entirely true. Okay,
There are a few incarnations of the Doctor who fans, at one point in time, want to see return. Namely,
In a wonderful interview with Russell T. Davies and Steven Moffat, it’s been revealed that the original script for Twice Upon
I’m fond of beginning sentences with ‘There’s a parallel universe where…’, but there’s a parallel universe where Kylie Minogue probably