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Get 15% Off Big Finish's Fourth Doctor Adventures!

Can you believe it? Tom Baker has been doing audio adventures for Big Finish for five years as of next month! That first release was The Fourth Doctor Box Set, which included two “lost” stories from his era on the show, The Foe From The Future, and The Valley of Death, and since then, he’s gone on to star in five series dedicated solely to the Fourth Doctor, plus a few special releases.
And to celebrate, the audio company is offering 15% off all stories featuring Tom Baker’s Fourth Doctor, from now until 15th September!
That’s right: you’ve got just over a week to get a discount on any tales from the entire Fourth Doctor range; all you have to do is enter the code 15OFFTOM at checkout!
So where to start? You could go with one of the boxsets – his first one, from October 2011, or 2014’s Philip Hinchcliffe Presents: Volume One, a follow-up of which is on its way – or perhaps go with a few releases from his separate series. The first, with Baker reunited with Louise Jameson’s Leela, takes us back to Spacestation Nerva, and rights a wrong, by pitting Leela against the Doctor’s biggest enemies in Energy of the Daleks.
If you, like me, miss Mary Tamm and want to hear more tales of her incarnation of Romana with the Doctor, check out Series 2. It kicks off with The Auntie Matter; continues with a two-part adventure staring David Warner, Hayley Atwell, and Toby Hadoke; sees the return of Jago & Litefoot; takes us into the depths with Alice Krige; and concludes with – what else? – the Daleks, on top form.
Louise Jameson is back for the third series, facing the Master, Zygons, and, in Series 4, Big Finish’s own Rocket Men. And then, the pair (alongside K9 and Jamie McCrimmon!) Return to Telosin a a sequel to Tomb of the Cybermen.
If you fancy the most recent series, however, that’s when Tom’s reunited with Lalla Ward’s Romana – and does battle with that pesky David Warner again!
You could always sample the Short Trips line with Black Dog or The Ghost Trap, or try The Companion Chronicles, including The ChildThe Invasion of E-Space, and The Stealers of Saiph.
Oh, there’s plenty more besides: if you’d like to see all the Fourth Doctor releases, head to the Big Finish site now. There are releases to cater for any budgets, fortunately!
Just remember to add 15OFFTOM at checkout before 15th September 2016.

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Get 15% Off Big Finish's Fourth Doctor Adventures!

by Philip Bates time to read: 2 min