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Shada Animation Heading To Cinemas In Australia

Australian Doctor Who fans will be able to enjoy the animated adaptation of Shada – the long-lost Fourth Doctor serial, on the big screen.
Sharmill Films and BBC Worldwide ANZ have announced that the upcoming animated version of Shada will get a limited theatrical run in Australia on the 24th November – you can find a full list of participating cinemas via Sharmill Films.
As for those of us who aren’t based in a land down under, Shada will be available to download from iTunes on the same day. The story will also get a DVD and Blu-ray release on the 4th December.

The serial, penned by legendary writer Douglas Adams, was abandoned mid-shoot thanks to industrial action and a technician’s strike with only the first block of filming complete – all that exists of the original serial is a mix of location filming in Cambridge and some studio scenes.
Now, reuniting the surviving original cast for the first time, the serial will be completed using a mixture of animated segments with remastered original footage.
Tom Baker said:
“Shada was one of my favourite Doctor Who stories. I have many fond memories of shooting the location scenes in Cambridge, and it was disappointing not to finish the story in studio and I’m so glad that BBC Worldwide have found a way to bring fans a complete visual version.”
For a complete list of participating cinemas for the limited run of Shada, check out the Sharmill Films site.

Andrew Reynolds

Shada Animation Heading To Cinemas In Australia

by Andrew Reynolds time to read: 1 min
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