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The Third Doctor Will Meet Cybermen and the Monk for Big Finish!

In next year’s Third Doctor Adventures Volume 4 from Big Finish, Jon Pertwee’s incarnation of the Doctor will face the Cybermen and the Meddling Monk!
The Cybermen have faced nearly every incarnation of the Doctor; in fact, they cropped up loads of times opposite Patrick Troughton’s Second Doctor, in The Moonbase, Tomb of the Cybermen, The Wheel in Space, and The Invasion. But after that, Pertwee’s Third Doctor never fought the metallic menaces, at least in the 1970s on TV. (He met them in The Five Doctors, during which they were, frankly, massacred.)
But fortunately, Big Finish is throwing the Cybermen into this era of Doctor Who. This comes courtesy of Marc Platt, whose previous audios featuring the Cybermen, Spare Parts and The Silver Turk, have gone down rather well. Producer, David Richardson enthuses:

“Who better than Marc to write the first full-cast Third Doctor adventure to feature the Cybermen? I love this script which takes the Doctor and Jo Grant to Burnt Salt, a planet that is well past its glory days and about to fall prey to the Cyber threat. And we have a really lovely guest cast including Jeff Rawle, Linda Marlowe, and Carolyn Pickles.”

This isn’t the first time Big Finish has included Cybermen in the Third Doctor’s era: they were the main enemy in The Blue Tooth (2007), the first time Caroline John reprised her role as Liz Shaw for Big Finish. Yes, that was over a decade ago.
For this set, Katy Manning is back as Jo Grant, and Tom Treloar takes on the part of the Doctor.
In the first story in this box set, The Rise of the New Humans by Guy Adams, the Meddling Monk returns, played by Rufus Hound (The Woman Who Lived). Here’s the brief synopsis:

The Doctor and Jo are drawn to the Allingham Institute on Dartmoor to investigate a mysterious death. What developments has Dr Kurdi pioneered? And who is the Chief Administrator?

The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 4 is released in March 2018, and is available for pre-order at £25 on CD or £20 on download.

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

The Third Doctor Will Meet Cybermen and the Monk for Big Finish!

by Philip Bates time to read: 1 min