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Doctor Who Record Store Day 2019 Releases Announced

Two new Doctor Who vinyl releases will be out as part of this year’s Record Store Day. As with previous years, these will be limited edition soundtracks – but the selection of serials chosen is a tad surprising (although naturally very welcome).

For RSD 2019 – that’s 13th April – collectors can get their greasy paws on Galaxy 4 and Destiny of the Daleks! Yes, really.

You’ll need to find a store nearby that’s taking part, and even then, you might have to queue for some… assuming they’ll get enough pressings in! If this year’s is like 2018’s, surplus will be available via Amazon afterwards, but that’s no guarantee.

Galaxy 4

Limited to 2,500 copies.

Exclusive to Record Store Day 2019, Demon Music presents a narrated full-cast TV soundtrack adventure starring William Hartnell as the Doctor, pitted against a race of deadly female clones and their mechanical slaves.In this classic 4 part ‘ lost’ adventure, first shown on BBC TV in September/October 1965, the TARDIS materialises on a doomed planet. The Doctor (William Hartnell), Steven (Peter Purves), and Vicki (Maureen O’ Brien) discover two crashed spaceships, their inhabitants locked in battle with each other.

In one corner stand the Drahvins, a race of female cloned warriors; in the other the Rills, hideous inhuman space travellers. The Doctor and his friends become pawns in a deadly game of strategy and deception. Will anyone escape with their lives?

Presented across 2 x Heavyweight 180g pieces of Orange with Purple Splatter vinyl, this narrated TV soundtrack evokes a classic Doctor Who adventure in all its aural magnificence. From the eerie sonics of Ron Grainer and Delia Derbyshire’s theme tune, and the familiar ‘ wheezing, groaning’ of the TARDIS, through to the menacing chirrup of the squat, metallic Chumbley robots and the atmospherics of the Rills’ spaceship, the story is alive with weird and wonderful sound. Written by William Emms, the story presents a traditional morality tale with a twist.

Linking narration is provided by Peter Purves (Steven) and the cast includes Stephanie Bidmead as Maaga. The final episode leads into the prelude to the epic adventure The Daleks’ Master Plan (just released on Demon Records). The film recordings of all but one episode of this story are lost from the BBC archives.

Destiny of the Daleks

Limited to 2,500 copies.

Exclusive to Record Store Day 2019, Demon Music presents a narrated full-cast TV soundtrack adventure starring Tom Baker as the Doctor, pitted against his arch-enemies the Daleks and their wizened creator, Davros. In this thrilling 4 part adventure, first shown on BBC TV in September 1979, the Daleks return to their home planet Skaro, scene of their defeat at the hand of the Doctor (Tom Baker) in Genesis of the Daleks. What – or who – have they returned for?

It soon becomes apparent that the ruthless scientist Davros, creator of the Daleks, may not be as dead as the Doctor assumed. When Romana (Lalla Ward) falls into the hands of the Daleks themselves, a life and death struggle begins to divert the Doctor’ s adversaries from their self-proclaimed destiny.

Presented across 2 x Heavyweight 180g pieces of Red with Blue Splatter Vinyl, this narrated TV soundtrack evokes a classic Doctor Who adventure in all its aural magnificence. From the eerie sonics of Ron Grainer and Delia Derbyshire’ s theme tune, and the familiar ‘ wheezing, groaning’ of the TARDIS, through to the bass thrum of the Daleks’ headquarters, and their clamorous shriek of “Exterminate! Exterminate!”, the story is alive with weird and wonderful sound.

Add to that the sparkling dialogue of a script written by Terry Nation and script edited by Douglas Adams, and you have 2 hours of joyful sci-fi entertainment. Linking narration is provided by Lalla Ward (Romana) and the cast includes David Gooderson as Davros, Tim Barlow as Tyssan, Peter Straker as Commander Sharrel, and Suzanne Danielle as Agella.

Head to the Record Store Day site to find out more.

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Doctor Who Record Store Day 2019 Releases Announced

by Philip Bates time to read: 3 min