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Hero Collector Unveils T-Shirts Featuring Popular Doctor Who Serial Artworks

Classic episodes of Doctor Who are being celebrated in new collections from Hero Collector, part of Eaglemoss who publish The Doctor Who Figurine Collection. The Episodic Collection feature new iconic designs by a range of fantastic artists, printed onto top-quality t-shirts.

The Genesis of the Daleks T-Shirt debuted last month, emblazoned with a wonderful image by Adrian Salmon, Doctor Who legend and a friend of the DWC.

Adrian says:

“I suggested that as well as Davros and the Daleks, it should include the Thal rocket and Kaled dome that feature prominently in this iconic story, which added a Russian Constructivist feel to the poster.”

The Tomb of the Cybermen T-Shirt, also out now, features a design by Rian Hughes, paying homage to the much-loved Patrick Troughton tale from 1967. The distinctive logo of the Cybermen is surrounded by alien symbols against a stylish black background.

Rian says:

“The circular design is based on the one seen on the tomb in the episode itself, while the type is based on an early computer-readable font called OCR-A, so it seems the Cybermen were still in the early days of computing themselves.”

And in January, the Day of the Doctor T-Shirt features more artwork by Rian Hughes, bringing to life the 50th Anniversary multi-Doctor epic.

The colourful design captures the moment when the Daleks attack the city, as all thirteen Doctors unite to save Gallifrey while the Daleks destroy themselves in the crossfire.

Rian says:

“The 50th Anniversary episode managed to bring together The Daleks and the Zygons, Tom Baker antagonists I vividly remember from their original appearance in Terror of the Zygons back in 1975. I still have the free Weetabix card that featured them.”

All of the T-shirts have been designed with a crew neck for a comfortable fit and are perfect for everyday wear. Don’t forget you will also be able to buy these images as special limited-edition prints and bring these unforgettable Doctor Who moments to your home or office – coming soon.

Further designs will be released on a monthly basis – with upcoming artists including Lisa Henke, Robert Hack, Karen Hallion, Brian Williamson, and more – so keep your eyes peeled for other highlights from the Doctor Who Episodic Collection!

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Hero Collector Unveils T-Shirts Featuring Popular Doctor Who Serial Artworks

by Philip Bates time to read: 2 min