If you thought the entirety of Doctor Who Series 12 was the only treat on BBC Writers’ Room, think again.
A number of Series 10 scripts, all written by Steven Moffat, have now been added to the Writers’ Room library. These include Extremis, the first in the loose Monks Trilogy; along with the two-part finale World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls, featuring the return of the Mondasian Cybermen and the “Harold Saxon” Master.
But that’s not all. Moffat himself has also provided the first draft of The Pilot (under the working title of A Star In Her Eye). Isn’t it fantastic that we can now read both this one and the shooting script, side by side?
And in case Moffat deactivates his Twitter account (again), here’s a screenshot of what he posted:

Since Writers’ Room has also added the third and final part of the Monks Trilogy, The Lie of the Land (by Toby Whithouse), there is only one left which is yet to complete the collection: The Pyramid at the End of the World (co-written by Peter Harness and Moffat). Really strange, isn’t it?
And last but certainly not least, the universally acclaimed Series 3 episode Blink (based on Moffat’s original short story, What I Did on My Christmas Holidays by Sally Sparrow), which features the debut of the Weeping Angels, has been added to the Script Library too. Regarded a fan favourite, I call this an unexpected bonus treasure for Whovians and (screen)writers alike.