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Fury from the Deep Animation to be Released on DVD, Blu-ray, and Steelbook Next Month

The animated version of Doctor Who: Fury From The Deep will be released on DVD, Blu-ray, and steelbook on 14th September 2020, and will include plenty of special features across three discs.

This six-part story starred Patrick Troughton, Frazer Hines, and Deborah Watling as the Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon, and Victoria Waterfield respectively, but is missing from the archives. Fortunately, the soundtrack has been restored and paired with animations from Big Finish Creative Limited in association with Digitoonz Media and Entertainment and Thaumaturgy.

The release gives fans the opportunity to enjoy Fury From The Deep in high definition, either in full colour or in black & white. It will also include the surviving clips from the story.

The animation was announced in October 2019, so we’re pleased to get a confirmation that it’s not been completely forgotten by the BBC!

A making-of feature, The Cruel Sea – Surviving Fury From The Deep sees original cast members Frazer Hines, June Murphy, and Brian Cullingford revisit filming locations with production assistant Michael Briant, assistant floor manager Margot Hayhoe, and helicopter pilot Mike Smith. There are also contributions from cast and crew who have passed away, including writer Victor Pemberton, and actress Deborah Watling. It contains an archive audio interview with director Hugh David and visual effects designer Peter Day too.

Additional special features include:

  • Audio commentaries
  • The Cruel Sea – Surviving Fury From The Deep
  • Original surviving footage
  • Behind The Scenes 8mm footage
  • Animating Fury From The Deep
  • Archive interviews with Peter Day and Victor Pemberton
  • Teaser Trailer
  • Photo Gallery
  • The Slide Audio Drama
  • PDF scripts

You can pre-order the DVD or steelbook from Amazon (and other retailers) now.

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, The Silver Archive: The Stone Tape, and 100 Objects of Doctor Who.

Fury from the Deep Animation to be Released on DVD, Blu-ray, and Steelbook Next Month

by Philip Bates time to read: 1 min
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