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Anjli Mohindra Joins the Fourth Doctor Adventures — But Not as Rani Chandra

The Sarah Jane Adventures star, Anjli Mohindra, is joining the next Big Finish Fourth Doctor Adventures boxset, New Frontiers, as a plucky journalist — but not as SJA character, Rani Chandra.

In New Frontiers, due for release in March 2023, Tom Baker’s Fourth Doctor first encounters the Ice Warriors in the previously-announced Ice Heist! — alongside Louise Jameson as Leela and Nerys Hughes as the new companion, Margaret Hopwood — then discovers Antillia the Lost, starring Mohindra as Theodora Markway, a hard-nosed reporter about to uncover the biggest story of her career…

Antillia the Lost by Phil Mulryne 

Antillia. A place of mystery. A manufactured island in space, lost to time. But now it’s finally been found. 

The Doctor and his friends arrive on Antillia at the same time as an expeditionary party, delighted to solve one of the great mysteries of history. But they may have found more than they bargained for. 

Some things are better off lost.

Anjli Mohindra said:

“Tom Baker is so funny, endearing, and charming. Working with him is really good fun. I was a little bit nervous because I’ve always admired his work but he’s just so welcoming. It’s been a real treat.

“I’ve not played someone like Theodora before. She’s quite fun but also open about how she feels – there’s no beating around the bush. It’s a real adventure. I’ve loved working with everybody. There’s such an energy that everyone brings to it.”

Producer David Richardson said:

“It’s no surprise that Anjli has become one of the busiest young actors in the UK — she’s a phenomenal talent who we’re always delighted to welcome back to Big Finish. So, we leapt at the opportunity to cast her in this, in a very different role to Rani Chandra — the ambitious Theodora Markway. It was thrilling to watch her running with it!”

The cast of Antillia the Lost also includes audio veterans Adrian Rawlins (best-known for playing James Potter in the Harry Potter franchise), Keziah Joseph (The Archers), and Richard Lumsden (Sugar Rush, Darkest Hour, The Avengers). As previously announced, Adele Lynch (Empress of Mars) guest stars in the opening adventure as the Ice Warrior Kaltakk.

The Fourth Doctor Adventures: New Frontiers is now available to pre-order for £24.99 (as a CD boxset and download) or £19.99 (download only). 

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Anjli Mohindra Joins the Fourth Doctor Adventures — But Not as Rani Chandra

by Philip Bates time to read: 2 min