Saying goodbye to Doctor Who cast and crew.
How many Doctors have we actually seen, in the Classic show, NuWho, and the Disney era?
Plus, of course, loads more behind the scenes on The Church on Ruby Road.
The Doctor Who Figurines partwork collection hits a big milestone next month: its 150th issue! And it’s now been revealed
“The best one day event I’ve ever done”. COLIN BAKER on Bedford Who Charity Con 4 As a modest sort
Actually, I quite like Trial of a Time Lord. I didn’t like it at all when it was first transmitted
Mr Set Hate: ‘Oh, ho ho. Not this fool again. Where’ve you been, fool? More of your turgid attempts at
Colin Baker’s last season as the Doctor, Trial of a Time Lord, gets a fair bit of slack – in
Poor Colin Baker. His tenure as the Sixth Doctor was a troubled time for the show, and as such, Trial