Big Finish is celebrating the Second Doctor era in style with the latest Companion Chronicles release. Bringing together four stories, the
Some intelligences are greater than others – and the latest issue of Doctor Who: The Complete History is testament to that! Issues
Out of the two serials that made their wonderful, miraculous return to us in 2013, it’s The Web of Fear
Cards on the table: I loved the Virgin New Adventures and their BBC Books incarnation too, but when Doctor Who
I know, I know. We’ve left you wallowing in a distinct lack of weirdness for far too long now and
Ian Atkins has the enviable job of being both a writer and producer at Big Finish. He’s in charge of
Since their first release in 1999, Big Finish’s schedule has expanded exponentially. We’ve now got Doctors Four, Five, Six, Seven,
“There we are. Neat isn’t it? All done by sound waves.” This past October, I had the opportunity to attend
Now, before we begin, I have a confession to make. The Three Doctors is and will forever be my favourite