The Doctor Who Companion

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Out Now: Doctor Who Magazine #509

The latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine is the quiet before the storm: in the run-up to Series 10, the publication gives us the lowdown on the upcoming set of stories. Episode 3 will be set in London, 1814, for instance; Mark Gatiss’ and Rona Munro’s episodes have swapped around, so Gatiss’ is now Episode 9 and Munro Episode 10; and that scene, Friend from the Future, featuring the Daleks will be in Episode One, A Star in Her Eye.
Elsewhere, DWM talks to self-confessed Doctor Who fan Rufus Hound, aka Sam Swift the Quick in 2015’s The Woman Who Lived, and the recent incarnation of the Meddling Monk for Big Finish. He says:

“All my anxiety dissipated within the first two hours of arriving [on set]. I have never worked with a crew that was more like a family. I have never worked alongside actors who took the work seriously, but themselves not terribly seriously, as was true of Maisie [Williams] and Peter [Capaldi], who I spent most of my time with. The director [Ed Bazalgette] was tremendous, the producer [Derek Ritchie] was brilliant. Everybody in make-up and costume were having a right old laugh. All the camera crew and whatever were offering up shots and angles, being creative and given license to be creative, license to turn in their best work.”


  • Ask Steven: Showrunner, Steven Moffat answers readers’ burning questions.
  • Indefinable Magic: The weird world of the supernatural in the Doctor Who universe…
  • Doom Coalition 4: The Eighth Doctor, River Song, the Meddling Monk, and the Weeping Angels all feature in the brand new audio box set, Doom Coalition 4!
  • Rodney Bennett Tribute: DWM pays tribute to Rodney Bennett, the director who oversaw three very different productions during the early years of Tom Baker’s tenure as the Doctor.
  • Doorway to Hell: The original Master is back! Find out what he’s up to in Part Two of our brand-new comic strip, written by Mark Wright and illustrated by Staz Johnson.
  • The Mutants: In this issue’s Fact of Fiction, the Third Doctor and Jo Grant are sent on a mission that will affect the evolution of an entire planet, as we take a look at this 1972 adventure.
  • The Impossible Astronaut: Space 1969 awaits for the Doctor, Amy, Rory and River Song as the Time Team reach the 2011 season-opener in their mission to watch every episode of Doctor Who.
  • Reviews: DWM reviews the latest book, audio, and DVD releases in the world of Doctor Who.
  • Coming Soon: Previews of all the latest Doctor Who CD and book releases.
  • PLUS! All the latest official news, competitions, the DWM crossword, and the annual survey poll.

Doctor Who Magazine #509 is out now, price £5.99.

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Out Now: Doctor Who Magazine #509

by Philip Bates time to read: 2 min