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David Bradley’s Doctor Meets Shakespeare in Big Finish’s The First Doctor Adventures – Volume Five

The An Adventure in Space and Time team are back in April next year for a new volume of The First Doctor Adventures – in which David Bradley’s version of the Doctor meets William Shakespeare!

David Bradley reprises his TV role from Twice Upon A Time, in two new full-cast audio adventures, joined by Jamie Glover, Jemma Powell, and Claudia Grant, respectively as Ian, Barbara and Susan.

The First Doctor Adventures – Volume Five is due to be released in April 2021.

It’s also Virtual Big Finish Day tomorrow (1st August 2020), streaming on YouTube from 4pm BST, which will feature a joint interview with Claudia Grant and Carole Ann Ford!

Here’s the synopsis for The First Doctor Adventures – Volume Five:  

The Hollow Crown by Sarah Grochala  

When the TARDIS lands in Shoreditch, 1601, the Doctor suggests going to see a play at the Globe and his friends readily agree. 

But this is a turbulent time. There is violence in the street, plots against the Queen, and rebellion is in the air. At the centre of it all stands the most famous playwright in British history – William Shakespeare. Who is having troubles of his own. 

As tensions mount, and wheels turn within wheels, the travellers are about to discover if the play really is the thing… 

For the Glory of Urth by Guy Adams 

The TARDIS has barely landed in an alien sewer when a distant scream sends Susan racing to give aid, and the crew split up. 

Trying to reunite, the travellers find themselves in something resembling a monastery – led by a man half-way between an Abbot and a warlord… and discover that this place is called ‘Urth’, a barbaric place clinging on to its former glory. 

It’s somewhere its populace are never allowed to leave – somewhere keeping many secrets from its people. 

And today… those secrets will be revealed. 

Bradley said:

“I like this team; Jamie, Jemma, Claudia and me, we well as a group. And we work well socially as a group. We just like each other. We seem to have a shared sense of humour and it’s the perfect balance, really. I think this business works best when you take the work seriously but not yourself.” 

Producer, David Richardson added:

“What’s so lovely about this team – and I see this in so many of the Doctor Who casts – is how this group of actors work well both on and off mic. Filming An Adventure in Space and Time was clearly a very happy part of their lives, and they’ve remained firm friends ever since.  

“Making these audios is an opportunity for them to get together, catch up and play in the world of Doctor Who again. Whenever we all get back together at the studio, it’s a very happy place to be.” 

The First Doctor Adventures – Volume Five can be pre-ordered now at the special price of £24.99 as a collector’s edition four-disc CD box set or £19.99 as a download, exclusively from Big Finish.  

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

David Bradley’s Doctor Meets Shakespeare in Big Finish’s The First Doctor Adventures – Volume Five

by Philip Bates time to read: 2 min