That’s right: Tom Baker’s Fourth Doctor is back on the cover of Doctor Who Magazine! This time, it’s for a story about a bizarre and long-lost adventure from the 1970s…
Tom’s been on the cover a few times recently – and it looked like this appearance made him trend on Twitter! This issue features a smorgasbord of Classic Doctor Who. Here’s what’s inside:
- Derek Jacobi answers questions from the TARDIS Tin.
- An exclusive preview of the new animated version of Fury from the Deep.
- How Doctor Who was nearly cancelled in 1970… and how the show was saved.
- How Doctor Who joined the satellite revolution on Super Channel and UK Gold.
- The inside story of BSB’s Doctor Who Weekend – 30 years on.
- The Controversial Continuity of Doctor Who companions, the Silurians, UNIT dating, and time travel.
- The Fact of Fiction explores the 2014 story, Mummy on the Orient Express.
- Apocrypha revisits Continuity Errors, Steven Moffat’s first professional Doctor Who story.
- A review of The Power of the Daleks Special Edition.
Doctor Who Magazine #555 is on sale now, priced £5.99.