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Big Finish Reveals Upcoming Producers for Peladon and First, Second, and Third Doctor Adventures

Big Finish wants to introduce us to three producers who have worked on some exciting upcoming boxsets — namely, The Third Doctor Adventures, Peladon, and the First Doctor Adventures and Second Doctor Adventures.

These will be coming out across 2022, a year in which the audio company’s Doctor Who output shifts largely from The Monthly Adventures (i.e. the Main Range) to boxsets for each Doctor.

Without further ado, meet Heather Challands, Dominic Martin, and Mark Wright!

Heather Challands, who has recently joined the company to work on The Third Doctor Adventures and assorted upcoming projects, said:

“It sounds cliché but my favourite thing about working with Big Finish is the people. I’m lucky enough to get to work with the most talented creatives, all of whom are at the top of their game and have welcomed me on board with such grace, kindness and good humour. It’s a privilege to assemble the teams that I have, and to work on the audios I’m producing.  

“What people might not know about Big Finish, and the producer’s job in particular, is that we’re one of the few people who remain with a project from conception to release. It’s a real labour of love every time, and that thrill of being a fan never goes away – I still get excited when I hear about other people’s projects! As for what I’m working on… I can’t say too much, but storylines have just been approved for a new series that’s super-top secret, with some old favourites and hopefully some new ones too!” 

Dominic Martin, whose first credit with Big Finish was as assistant producer on the celebratory Peladon box set, said:

“My favourite thing about working for Big Finish is working with such lovely people! Throughout my time here, I’ve gotten to know those whose work I have idolised for years, so it’s humbling and astonishing to end up in a position where I can consider these kind people my peers. 

“And the work ethic at Big Finish is great – it’s so efficient and yet light-hearted at the same time. People may have this idea that it’s all serious business, but everyone I’ve worked with knows how to have a good time whilst doing their jobs so well. It’s such an exceptionally wonderful position, to be in a job that is utterly creative and enjoyable.  

“I’m looking forward to producing a certain couple of adventures that plug a few gaps, so to speak… I can’t really say more than that, but I’m thrilled to be working with who I’m going to be working with. It’s a dream come true for me – each new audio is a massive team effort, with everyone doing their bit very well. I’m so thrilled.” 

Mark Wright, an experienced Big Finish producer who is helming the upcoming First Doctor Adventures and Second Doctor Adventures in 2022, added:

“One of my favourite things about working for Big Finish is getting to create new adventures for series and characters I’ve loved since I was little, and working with actors who were my childhood heroes. After 20 years, it never gets old to be in a studio (or on the other end of an internet link) with Peter Davison, or Colin Baker, or the cast of Blake’s 7, and so many other actors whose work I’ve enjoyed. It’s a privilege and a joy when these moments come along, to sit in the green room and hear stories, and then hear these amazing actors get to work in front of the microphone.  

“Something people may not know about me is, although I was given my first professional commission as a writer in 2000, it wasn’t where my association with Big Finish began. In 1999, I covered the recording of Seventh Doctor audio The Fearmonger for SFX Magazine. Part of the feature required me to have a cameo in the audio, so I made my Big Finish debut as an actor, not a writer – as the unfortunate Stephen Keyser! There was something utterly nerve-wracking being in a scene with Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred. Although I have made several more acting appearances since, I strictly stick to producing and writing these days!  

“I have two box sets on my producing slate at the moment that I can’t wait to get out there; brand new adventures for the First Doctor and Dodo Chaplet, and Beyond War Games with the Second Doctor. The scripts are just starting to come in and they are so clever and exciting. In both cases we’re recreating the feel of a particular era, but also breaking new ground. The opening of the Second Doctor Adventures is at once familiar but something totally new and out there. For the First Doctor Adventures, I’m excited not only for the stories but for our listeners to hear how brilliant Lauren Cornelius is as Dodo. It’s so exciting and so much fun to be at the start of new eras for two classic, timeless Doctors.” 

Big Finish’s 2022 output includes The Second Doctor Adventures – Beyond War Games, which does seem to hint at Season 6b…

Which sets are you most excited to get your hands on?

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Big Finish Reveals Upcoming Producers for Peladon and First, Second, and Third Doctor Adventures

by Philip Bates time to read: 4 min