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Out Now: Doctor Who Magazine #587 Pays Tribute to the Late, Great Chris Boucher

The latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine features a stunning cover depicting the eye-catching mask from The Robots of Death; and inside, there’s a tribute to one of my favourite Doctor Who writers, Chris Boucher, including contributions from producer Philip Hinchcliffe and actress Louise Jameson, who played Leela.

Boucher introduced Leela in The Face of Evil then went on to write for her in The Robots of Death and Image of the Fendahl.

And gosh, look at that cover. It’s gorgeous.

The issue also includes an exclusive interview with new executive producer Joel Collins, in which he reveals how his association with the series began in the1970s, through knowing acclaimed director Douglas Camfield and seeing the series being made. Collins says:

“Douglas was, and still is, one of the biggest inspirations to me. There was something so brilliant about him. I can absolutely see now why I’m in this business. As a kid, you’re watching this show avidly on TV, and then suddenly you’re on set – touching everything, fiddling with everything, and going: ‘Oh my God, look at these miniatures and creatures and all this craziness…’ I was completely inspired by that.”

The issue also includes:

  • Liberation of the Daleks Part Four – the adventures of the Fourteenth Doctor continue in the epic comic-strip adventure written by Alan Barnes and illustrated by Lee Sullivan.
  • Letter from the Showrunner – Russell T Davies on what you might have missed in the recent trailer for the 2023 Doctor Who Specials.
  • Production Diary – script editor Scott Handcock files his latest report on the forthcoming episodes, direct from Doctor Who’s HQ.
  • Gallifrey Guardian – all the latest official news, including exclusives from producer Phil Collinson, guest star Jemma Redgrave and casting director Andy Pryor.
  • Close to the Edit – an interview with Rasheed Bello, Doctor Who’s new assistant script editor.
  • Sympathy for the Sea Devil – behind the scenes of Defenders of Earth, the trailer for the new Season 9 Blu-ray box set, with cast and crew including star Katy Manning.
  • 60 Objects, 60 Years – from the UNIT beret in 1968 to the Third Doctor’s sonic screwdriver in 1972, the latest installment of this series tells the story of one object from every year of Doctor Who’s history.
  • The Fact of Fiction – inside one of the Fourth Doctor’s greatest adventures, The Robots of Death.
  • The Watchers: Sea Base 4B – fans recall studio visits to see Warriors of the Deep being recorded in 1983.
  • Coming Soon – an exclusive preview of the Season 9 Blu-ray box set, including a disc-by-disc breakdown of the contents.
  • Other Worlds – the essential guide to forthcoming stories in the expanded Doctor Who universe.

PLUS: Previews, reviews, prize-winning competitions, Time and Space Visualiser, and more.

Doctor Who Magazine #587 is out now, priced £6.99 (in the UK).

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Out Now: Doctor Who Magazine #587 Pays Tribute to the Late, Great Chris Boucher

by Philip Bates time to read: 2 min