You might think that there’s not much to consider in the 0.85 seconds between being asked ‘Would you like to
It’s not fair to say Doctor Who made me want to write; that passion has been burning inside me for
Oh. Shiny! No, I haven’t gone all Firefly on you – although Firefly is awesome and everyone should watch it! I
Russell T. Davies has revealed that not only has the Thirteenth Doctor been cast, but he also knows who it
There are countless names being bandied about when it comes to who will replace Peter Capaldi as the Doctor but
It’s finally happened: Big Finish has brought together the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler, as played by David Tennant and
Look past the painted eyelids, and there’s something unutterably disturbing about Image of the Fendahl, Chris Boucher’s 1977 masterpiece starring
Nearly 6 years after Torchwood: Miracle Day, it seems unlikely we’ll see the Doctor Who spin-off on TV again anytime soon. Fortunately, Torchwood
Considering Steven Moffat likely had a hand in deciding who should be the next showrunner of Doctor Who, it comes as
Gallifrey. It’s strange, seeing the Doctor’s home planet. It’s cause for great excitement, and that can naturally result in a