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Christmas 2017 Gift Guide: Toys and Games

Christmas is for the kids! But it’s also for the big kids, and if that’s not you… are you sure you like Doctor Who? Ah, but you may not. I hear some don’t. Vague rumours persist of an underground faction of non-fans who couldn’t even name the spaceship in A Christmas Carol (2010).* Even if you don’t like Doctor Who, you probably know someone who does.
And so, at Christmastime, what do you get them?
Fortunately, the Doctor Who Companion is here to guide you through the world of Who-related toys and games…
*The answer, of course, is given in The Doctor Who Brilliant Book 2012: the ship is called The Thrasymachus.

Rory’s Story Cubes: Doctor Who

No, not Rory Williams. This is a Doctor Who variation of a game that’s ideal for imaginative youngsters.
Every writer and artist, all creative types, started out as imaginative children, and these Story Cubes are there to inspire, to edge along, to excite. Essentially, they provide something akin to relief from writer’s block, by encouraging players to roll the dice and create an ingenious story for the Doctor and his companions.
In one pack, you get 9 dice and each has something different on their 6 sides, so there are 54 embossed icons in all, including the TARDIS, Cybermen, River Song, running, and a fob watch.
They fit into a plastic case (supplied) so can be taken with the recipient wherever they go. If you fancy an additional stocking filler, you can get other sets from the Rory’s Story Cubes range, so kids can mix Doctor Who with the Moomins, Scooby-Doo, and Looney Tunes, or take the TARDIS to another timezone with the Medieval set.

Doctor Who Trivial Pursuit

It’s a classic game, given a wonderful twist: you all know Trivial Pursuit, a favourite every year over the festive period. This Doctor Who version, however, is much easier than the general knowledge one – well, as long as you knew the name of the ship in A Christmas Carol.
Yep, even for seasoned fans, this isn’t to be sniffed at. Okay, so hardcore fans will find it simple but enjoyable, yet even then, it’s a fair bet you’ll stumble over one question. And you need all those colours in order to win the game! That will likely be questions about other shows Doctor Who cast members have starred in. A neat addition, that. It ensures everyone will be challenged.
This was released in 2013, so it covers the first 11 Doctors, from William Hartnell to Matt Smith – sorry, Peter Capaldi enthusiasts. Nonetheless, the wide breadth of questions is great, a testament to the fact people are acknowledging the show’s long history, not just its 2005- present incarnation.
Just make sure there are numerous fanatics playing the game; otherwise, it’s going to be a little one-sided!

Dr. Men Figurines

Two worlds collided, and the Dr. Men franchise was born.
Doctor Who combined with Mr. Men: what more could you want?! Roger Hargreaves’ original creations are much-loved classics, and his son, Adam has carried on his amazing legacy. Recently, he’s turned his hand to Doctor Who, translating the Doctors, his companions, and his enemies into the Mr. Men world. The books have been hugely popular, deservedly so, and ready for this Christmas, BBC Worldwide has teamed up with RP2 Global to release four Dr. Men figurines.
This first batch includes models based on the First, Fourth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Doctors, so you get one with a cane, one with a scarf, one with a bow tie, and one with sonic sunglasses. And frankly, they’re awesome.
They’re £9.99 each, so they act as kooky stocking fillers or, as a set, substantial collectors items.
Each are around 4″ tall, so sit nicely on shelves piled high with Doctor Who and Mr. Men books!

Image of the Fendahl Figurine Set

Here at the DWC, among our number, we have numerous fans of writer, Chris Boucher – myself included. While his high-point, to me, is Robots of Death, I can’t really fault Image of the Fendahl either. It’s atmospheric, clever, and a real pleasure to watch.
This is a cool set that I never thought I’d see: Leela and the Fendahl! Sure, Dapol created a Leela action figure, but never was she this detailed, and she certainly wasn’t coupled with “Eustace”, the skull, engraved with a pentagram, which channels the energy of the Fendahl.
Let’s also praise the fact this is a 5″ figurine. Since the range went to those tiny 3″-something figures, they’ve gone down like a lead balloon. They’re pants. You could get more detailed if you knitted a companion out of thick wool. Support the 5″ sets! They’re are plenty of Classic Who sets available, including The Claws of AxosThe Caves of Androzani, and Fourth Doctor Collector Set (including Tom Baker’s Doctor, the Master, and D84 from the aforementioned Robots of Death), so go on. These are ideal presents.

Exterminate!: The Miniatures Game

Here’s something few fans will have seen before because it’s relatively new on the market: Exterminate! from Warlord Games.
You might be familiar with the company’s name: they produce miniature models you typically have to paint. Their sets include the Tenth Doctor and his companions, Zygons, the Silence, Tetraps – even a Return of Doctor Mysterio title!
This, however, is a full game with echoes of Doomsday. Here’s what it promises:

Two of the Doctor’s most ancient and relentless foes – the hateful Daleks and emotionless Cybermen – clash as they seek to to fulfil their own nefarious ends in this fast-paced tabletop miniatures game. Amongst this titanic conflict, the Doctor protects the Time Vortex the only way he knows how – with ever-changing companions, the TARDIS, and a sonic device…

Take control of either the Daleks or the Cybermen. Pit your wits against your adversaries as you attempt to gather resources vital to your plans before they fall into the hands of your opponents. Build your force from a variety of options and recruit other factions to your cause – whatever it takes to ensure you have the advantage over your foes! An eternity of adventures awaits you…

In the Exterminate! miniatures game, your Cyberman and Dalek forces can recruit neutral factions, improving their chances of success and adding even more variety to your games. These highly detailed plastic Cybermen and Dalek miniatures are ‘push-fit’ allowing them to be easily built without glue.

Neat, eh?
I especially like the little Cybermat models as part of the pack.

Yep, we’ve missed some. Lots, in fact. But we cover Merchandise all the time, so you must excuse our brevity around Christmastime. Frankly, we’ve lots of presents to pack.
So which other toys and games are top of your Christmas wishlist this year?

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Christmas 2017 Gift Guide: Toys and Games

by Philip Bates time to read: 4 min