The next series of Doctor Who returns to a familiar location: the beautiful Tredegar House, which was used during much of the Tenth Doctor era.
Filming at the National Trust property in Newport took place from 30th April to 2nd May 2019, in its New Parlour, Side Hall, and Morning Room. Fans spotted Jodie Whittaker’s Thirteenth Doctor in a tuxedo, alongside Bradley Walsh as Graham O’Brien. The TARDIS was also seen nearby. The Doctor’s other companions, Yasmin Khan (Mandip Gill) and Ryan Sinclair (Tosin Cole) were not spotted, but could just be better at hiding from onlookers – no doubt helped by the strong security on-set.
The grand location previously bookended David Tennant’s reign as the Doctor, 2005- 2010, appearing in The Christmas Invasion (where Prime Minister, Harriet Jones appealed for the Time Lord’s help and questioned the Royal family’s blood type), and The End of Time, as the Naismith Mansion.
It also featured in New Earth (where Cassandra took over Rose Tyler); Army of Ghosts (in which Derek Acorah pondered his existence); and The Next Doctor (housing Jackson Lake’s, uhm, “TARDIS”). However, it was used most extensively in Tooth and Claw, where it partly pieced together The Torchwood Estate; The Girl in the Fireplace, doubling for the Palace of Versailles; for corridor scenes and the Maid’s room in Human Nature/ The Family of Blood; and throughout The Unicorn and the Wasp.
The Series 12 episode currently being filmed is apparently set in Victorian times, although we’ll have to wait until early 2020 for confirmation of this.