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Mandip Gill: It’s “Pure Luck” the Doctor Who Festive Special Has Already Been Filmed

With (virtually) the whole world in lockdown due to Coronavirus, you might be worried that the next episode of Doctor WhoRevolution of the Daleks, due on TV over the festive period – won’t make it to screen on time. But fear not: filming has been completed.

And star, Mandip Gill, who plays companion, Yaz Khan, chalks it up to “pure luck”.

She says:

“It was absolutely pure luck we happened to have filmed it. I guess it’s the way it always films – they filmed the special at the same time as Series 12.”

This correlates with what we know so far – i.e. that the special was recorded during the final block of filming on Series 12. Indeed, we managed to spot newly-designed Daleks on the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol.

The Christmas schedule could look very different this year, as Gill continues:

“You forget actually that loads of other stuff won’t have been made – their festive specials won’t have been made. So yeah, Doctor Who’s special is something to really look forward to this year –especially considering the amazing series we’ve just had as well.”

Elsewhere, Chris Chibnall has confirmed:

“Post-production continues on Revolution of the Daleks. Our brilliant teams are working remotely on the visual effects shots and sending them in.”

It doesn’t seem like the creative industries are grinding to a halt, at least when it comes to pre- and post-production. Fingers crossed things get back to normal soon…

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, The Silver Archive: The Stone Tape, and 100 Objects of Doctor Who.

Mandip Gill: It’s “Pure Luck” the Doctor Who Festive Special Has Already Been Filmed

by Philip Bates time to read: 1 min
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