Colin Baker’s last season as the Doctor, Trial of a Time Lord, gets a fair bit of slack – in
Poor Colin Baker. His tenure as the Sixth Doctor was a troubled time for the show, and as such, Trial
Of course, the questions that you’re here to answer is: is it any better than series 1? And you’ll be
After many years and multiple streaming services, it looks like all of the classic Doctors have found their way home,
Celebrating Volume 3 of the increasingly-popular (and rightly so) fanzine, it’s Vworp Vworp! Week at the Doctor Who Companion. And
The fabulous Colin Baker, in case you didn’t know, writes a weekly column for the Bucks Free Press in which
Here’s an episode that finally does the job that this reviewer has been waiting for from good old Big Finish
Absolute Power, in terms of titles for Doctor Who stories, doesn’t inspire confidence that it’s necessarily going to be the
Big Finish has revealed the final monsters to star in the upcoming Classic Doctors, New Monsters: Volume Two: alongside the Vashta
D’you wanna comedy? ‘Cause if you do then I should warn you, you’re gonna see all sorts of things. Burping