Let’s dig deep into this Doctor Who Series 9 two-parter!
Whithouse has written a number of Doctor Who stories including School Reunion, A Town Called Mercy, and The Lie of the Land.
And he would’ve fully embraced Doctor Who’s scary side!
Looking to get into Doctor Who? Or want to introduce a friend? Here are five great places to start.
The award-winning actress played Rosanna Calvierri in The Vampires of Venice (2010).
Play the episode at 7pm on Sunday 21st February 2021, and tweet along using #ThyKingdomCome.
Use the hashtag #MySarahJane tomorrow!
The Eleventh Doctor was certainly impressed by the “sexy fish vampires”…
Re-evaluating The Eleventh Hour to The Vampires of Venice…
I was going to begin this write-up by telling you all that 2015 was the year I went off Doctor